Headline: The Variety of high-performance peristaltic tube pumpsThe Variety of high-performance peristaltic tube pumps
"Modern tube pumps that operate on the principle of peristalsis are often
fitted in a wide variety of devices and equipment, where they transport
precise volumes of fluids."
Journal: International Labmate
Headline: New Peristaltic Pump for Atomic Spectroscopy Announced
"Since German scientists Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff have discovered
that the colour of a flame changed once an element was introduced, atomic spectroscopy
has developed into one of the most successful analytical methods, which is applied
every day worldwide and routinely. Among the different methods in atomic spectroscopy
both multielement methods ICP-MS and ICP-OES have been extremely successful
for the analysis of liquids."
Journal: CPP - Chemical plants and processes:
Headline: Small pumps turn out big
"Peristaltic tube pumps are positive displacement pumps: at Spetec they
are comprised of a roller head driven directly by a wear-resistant stepper
motor and an arrangement for securing the tubing. These pumps are not
produced off the shelf but are manufactured individually for each customer.
As miniature models, they are frequently used for instrumental
analysis in the chemical industries."
Journal: Laborpraxis worldwide
Title: Which tubing is right?
"High-quality tubing for diverse applications
Acidly, toxic or potentially susceptible — in laboratories a lot of critical fluids
are used occasionally every day. In combination with a peristaltic pump and
according to the particular application, the material of tubing is crucial. See
below a summary of main materials and applications."
Journal: CPP - Chemical plants and processes:
Title: Peristaltic pumps for biotechnology
"Biotech processes with increasingly high concentrations of active
ingredients demand particularly high precision on the part of the
pump technology which is employed, coupled with low pressure and
volumetric flow pulsation, a high level of resistance to many different
types of fluid and the longest possible service life. Modern peristaltic
pumps like those from Spetec, the German pump manufacturer, meet
all these requirements and are also ideal for applications involving
fermentation or cell cultures in bioreactors."